Sparks Opens Creative Studio in Detroit Market

Sparks Opens Creative Studio in Detroit Market

Award-winning event marketing agency Sparks today announced the opening of Sparks Detroit, a creative and engineering studio located in the Detroit area.

The studio, officially opened in Royal Oak, MI, on June 1, allows Sparks to tap into the Detroit-area creative pool. Long one of the world's largest and most trusted designer talent bases, Detroit provides Sparks with fertile ground to enhance its roster of established and budding structural designers, digital designers, architects, graphic designers and industrial engineers.

Although initially established as a design-based studio to support the growing needs of Sparks' global client base, Sparks Detroit will evolve into a sales and service outlet over time. "The opening of this studio allows us to add a tremendous amount of creative depth and value to our organization, thus supporting our company-wide effort to grow business opportunities within our existing client base and secure new accounts," says Christopher Kappes, EVP Sales at Sparks. "It is our intention to expand the capabilities of Sparks Detroit as opportunities evolve."

The company expects to fill positions in areas such as engineering, graphic design, new business development and account management within the next 18 months.

When asked why the company chose a presence in the Detroit area, Sparks VP Creative Paul Martin commented, "Detroit has long been a key creative center for the automotive industry, housing great design schools, several mobile marketing agencies and a handful of firms like ours serving the event marketing industry. Sparks recognizes the unique talent and opportunity there and with our broad client portfolio we offer a creative diversity not typically found in this market."

Sparks Detroit opened with a deep creative bench. The inaugural team features the following veteran designers:

Ryan Mee, Creative Director
David Lentz, Creative Director
David Yuen, Senior Designer
David Smiertka, Senior Designer

A leading global event marketing agency, Sparks is well-known for its industry knowledge, game-changing strategy, experience design and execution capabilities and overall management and measurement services. A client roster featuring many of the world's leading power brands leverage Sparks and its nine global facilities for trade shows, corporate events, road shows, press events, C-level summits, meetings, retail environments and more.


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