Trollback and Company Brands 11th Annual Pop!tech Conference

Trollback + Company Brands 11th Annual Pop!tech Conference

Trollback Company Brands 11th Annual Poptech Conference

Visual and conceptual creative studio Trollback + Company has applied its highly-respected branding skills to the 11th annual Pop!Tech Conference, with a complete design program that captures the inspiring and relevant voice of the conference, and communicates it with a unified language. The conference is taking place October 17-20 in Camden, Maine.

Pop!Tech 2007 will initiate dialogue on the theme "The Human Impact" - the different ways that human beings impact, and are being impacted by, the world and each other. From the future of the oceans to the system of civilization and solutions to global poverty, powerful ideas and innovative projects will be discussed and examined by the 600 attendees, as well as online by live bloggers in seven different languages.

The branding package, which includes two opening sequences, speaker slates, online material and print material such as badges, schedules and signage, is conceived to convey the theme of the conference in an abstract and visually contemporary manner. Inspired by the ideas of change, patterns and evolution, the opening sequences poetically conceptualize the inevitable and interchangeable connection between the environment and humanity.

Trollback Company Brands 11th Annual Pop tech Conference

"We wanted to illustrate how humans transform their physical and mental environment," says Jakob Trollback, creative director of Trollback + Company. "The visuals reference the dynamics of change, the gradual impact we have on ourselves and our world."

Both openings have original music composed by Michael Montes of Sacred Noise, as did last year's award-winning opening sequence designed by T+Co on the theme of "Dangerous Ideas."

The theme of this year's conference has attracted presenters from an ever-expanding range of fields and nations. Harvard cognitive scientist and best-selling author Steven Pinker, geopolitical and military strategist Thomas Barnett, Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab, Iraqi civil rights activist Zainab Salbi and R&B artist John Legend are some of the visionary thinkers that will contribute with their perspective on human nature, civilization and the social impact of technology.

Trollback + Company is a visual and conceptual creative studio producing expressive and purposeful graphics, design and live action for advertising, broadcast, and entertainment.

Led by creative directors Jakob Trollback and Joe Wright, the collaborative group of designers and writers creates motion graphics, print, environmental design and live action. T + Co's trademark approach relies on unorthodox thinking and immersive storytelling, and the belief that a compelling and focused message is essential for any communication to be truly successful.

Creative Director: Jakob Trollback
Senior Designer: Christina Rüegg
Designer: Bruno Silva
Producer: Andrew Hotz

Trollback + Company

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