The Big Green Challenge

The Big Green Challenge

"Climate change affects everybody, so having a prize that rewards communities and groups for working together to tackle it makes perfect sense."

A million pounds goes up for grabs today, for groups of people coming up with new ways to tackle climate change.

The Big Green Challenge from NESTA, is launched as research released by the organisation reveals 9 out of 10 Britons are concerned about the effects of global warming on their communities*.

Run over two years, the competition will see NESTA challenging people from across the UK to work together to demonstrate new ways to reduce their CO2 emissions.

These ideas could either be brand new or a fresh way of applying existing solutions.

The group with the most imaginative - and proven - approach at the end of the competition will win the lion's share of the £1m fund.

Around a third of those polled by NESTA thought time to find a solution to the problem of climate change is running out, with almost half claiming individual action is not enough and that fresh thinking on the issue is required.

The research further suggests as many as 17 million people in Britain would be willing to work with others to combat global warming, with two-thirds believing it is everybody's responsibility to take action.

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