Creativity and Commerce - PRINT's International Art and Commerce Design Review

Creativity + Commerce: PRINT's International Art and Commerce Design Review

Creativity + Commerce, PRINT's business graphics review, is the newest and fastest- growing of PRINT's design competitions.

It brings together the full range of work done for corporate clients around the world, from print ads, corporate identities, and flyers to animated short films, websites and interactive games - and much more.

The design work being done in this field continues to provide insight into the ever-changing dynamic of business all over the world.

And as this competition demonstrates, the best work in contemporary business graphics - in print and motion - both reflects and influences contemporary business concerns.

Now more than ever, design is recognized as a vital force in today's business world and is key to a company's growth and success.

The work will be featured in the October 2008 of PRINT.

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