Design - The Linking Force

Design: The Linking Force

Design is an integrating activity and process, a way of thinking, an increasingly significant contributor to organizational success.

The role of design is evolving beyond just the physical process of creating beautiful objects, desirable packaging or unique branding.

Design can be a linking force, a unifying element across the enterprise, a connection between business, culture, and environment.

This year, DMI's European conference will explore the evolution of design thinking and strategy to the next level.

An international roster of forward-thinking experts will provoke, educate, and share.

Come to Paris for three days of immersion in cultural exchange, and knowledge-building.

Learn to make more holistic and meaningful contributions to the organization.

For more than a decade, this conference has explored the best in design and management thinking, through structured presentations, focused discussion groups, receptions, and networking opportunities.

As a capital of culture, Paris forms a dynamic and enticing location for Design/Management Europe 12.

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