Design Jury Line-Up Announced for the 87th Annual Art Directors Club Awards

Design Jury Line-Up Announced for the 87th Annual Art Directors Club Awards

The Art Directors Club, the first creative collective of its kind with global membership in design, advertising and visual communications disciplines, has selected its 2008 Design Jury to be led by Dana Arnett, VSA Partners, USA. Hillman Curtis, inc., USA, will serve as Interactive Foreman. The Interactive Foreman will provide state-of-the-art digital leadership for six digital design professionals within the Design jury. "The preponderance of digital tools in design led ADC to incorporate rather than silo interactive entries and judging talent," said Ami Brophy, Executive Director of the ADC.

The appointments are as follows:

Dana Arnett

Jury Chair: Dana Arnett, VSA Partners, USA

Hillman Curtis

Interactive Foreman: Hillman Curtis,, inc., USA

Elaine Ann, Kaizor Innovation, China
Brandt Botes, Jupiter Drawing Room, South Africa
David Carson, david carson design, USA
Liz Danzico, USA
Brendan Dawes, Magnetic North, UK
Barbara de Wilde, Random House, USA
Bruce Duckworth, Turner Duckworth, UK
Julia Hoffmann, Crispin, Porter + Bogusky, USA
Maggie Kinser Hohle, USA
Chris Jenkins, Tribal DDB London, UK
Seijo Kawaguchi, TUGBOAT, Japan
Anette Lenz, Atelier Anette Lenz, France
Christian Mommertz, Ogilvy & Mather Frankfurt, Germany
Michael Osborne, MOD/Michael Osborne Design, USA
Todd Purgason, Juxt Interactive, USA
Paul Sahre, Office of Paul Sahre, USA
Eva Salzmann, Kolle Rebbe Werbeagentur, Germany
Leonardo Sonnoli, Tassinari/Vetta srl, Italy
Elizabeth Yerin Shim, South Korea

The 87th Annual Awards Call for Entries opened officially on October 22, 2007 and will close on January 31, 2008. The Call for Entries was designed by thehappycorp, a New York-based design and branding studio. Results of the competition will be announced at a gala ceremony at the ADC Gallery in New York in the spring of 2008, and will be exhibited around the world and published in the Art Directors Annual 87, the longest running archive of leading creative work in global advertising and design.

ADC Awards

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