Daylight in a room indoor gives information or signs of something outside the physical room. These signs give us a subconscious feeling that our perceived space is lager than the physical room. The contrast between outdoor and indoor decreases. When daylight in a room is removed, the feeling of space decreases, and the contrast between outdoor and indoor increases. I believe that this can result in a feeling of being enclosed for many of us, to be alone or lonely -a social block.
"subconscious effect of daylight" tries to replicate the effect of having daylight indoor. The concept is to create a feeling of natural, direct sunshine. This imitation is created through projecting a light pattern giving a recognizable illusion of natural light and shadows.
The lamp has the shape of a small table where the light source is mounted underneath the tabletop. The light gives an illusion of the sun shining through a window because of the artificial shadows that are cast to the floor.
Daniel Rybakken: