50 Golden Brands From the Past Half Century Showcased in Brandwidth Designed Microsite

50 Golden Brands From the Past Half Century Showcased in Brandwidth Designed Microsite

Remember Cadbury's Smash Martians in 1973, Virgin Atlantic's first flight in 1984 and a teenage doll called Barbie born in 1959?

To celebrate The Marketing Society's 50th Anniversary in 2009 Brandwidth have designed a new microsite to showcase the Marketing Society's choice of 50 brands that they think shone most brightly in each of the last 50 years.

As well as the top 50, the site features a "Brand Archive" that will be constantly updated with more contenders in the coming months.

Users will be able to search a rich library of memorable brand campaigns and submit their own opinions if they disagree.

Suggestions from the microsite will be collated as part of the final judging process to determine the final 50 Golden Brands to be announced as part of the Marketing Society's 50th Birthday celebrations in 2009.

As "creative technology" partners of the society, Brandwidth have also developed online banners a DM piece and print ads to augment the campaign, and will continue to work on further phases of the 50th anniversary project that include brand awards and identifying the most inspirational figures who've made the greatest contribution to marketing.

This launch also introduces another Brandwidth design, the new Marketing Society 50th anniversary logo, a derivative of the main brand that will feature on all communication for the next year.

more: 50goldenbrands.com (542)


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