PUMA Presents - I-Cycle Space at Vice Gallery

PUMA Presents: I-Cycle Space at Vice Gallery

Being first to embrace and be involved in the bike community, PUMA is teaming up with VICE to follow up the release of the I-Cycle Film Series with the I-Cycle Space.

The I-Cycle Space brings together different elements of cycling culture and community through films, art and competition.

The I-Cycle Space will live at the Vice Gallery in Brooklyn until September 30th.

I-Cycle Space includes an installation dedicated to cycling culture, all day film screenings, free low maintenance and bicycle repairs and a refueling area with water and energy drinks.

All is free and open to the public.

The I-Cycle Space will also be the battle grounds for the I-Cycle Throwdown, a set of goldsprint competitions taking place on the Thursday the 18th and Friday the 26th.

The I-Cycle Throwdown will bring together a mix of industry leaders, brands and bike messengers who share the love of cycling and put their skills to the test.

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