International Design Alliance Announces Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen as Lead Chair

International Design Alliance Announces Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen as Lead Chair

The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced today the appointment of Icsid President, Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen as the incoming Lead Chair of the International Design Alliance (IDA).

Formed in 2005, the IDA is an alliance founded under the auspice of Icsid and Icograda (International Council of Graphic Design Associations). As a leading member of the IDA Executive Committee, Prof. Hinrichsen will work towards the development and future growth of the alliance, that has since September 2008, welcomed the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) as the newest member of the alliance.

Carlos Hinrichsen

Prof. Hinrichsen welcomes this role following a twelve-month term led by Icograda President Prof. Don Ryun Chang. From now until November 2009, Prof. Hinrichsen will chair future IDA meetings and develop the alliance with the continued support of Co-Chairs Prof. Chang and IFI President, Mr. Shrikant Nivasarkar.

At the September meeting of the IDA Committee, a new paradigm emerged based on the metaphor of a "field of energy." In this dynamic model, the three independent organisations will join forces in a series of collaborative actions or events. Most importantly, the new paradigm will allow the IDA to focus on developing content out of the events managed by its partners that will position the IDA to be the voice of design to the rest of the world-its original and more critical mandate. "This new model has created a new spirit of collaboration in the IDA partners, but we have a lot more work to do. I am looking forward to receiving reports from all the working committees at our next meeting, and firming up some concrete implementation steps, " stated Prof. Hinrichsen.

As identified in a statement released in September 2008, the IDA partners will continue to focus attention on the implementation of the first IDA Congress to be held in Taipei in 2011. Several other exciting initiatives are in developments for discussion at the next IDA meeting in March 2009. Supported by the Icsid Secretariat, Prof. Hinrichsen aims to lead the next phase of the IDA development in his role as Lead Chair.

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