Generative Art and Design - Critical Assessments

Generative Art and Design: Critical Assessments

Fabrica, the Benetton communication research center, continues its international workshop and lecture program.

Bruce Sterling, writer and futurologist, will be at the institute from November 25th to 28th to lead an intensive trans-disciplinary workshop.

In addition, Sterling will give a public lecture on November 25th illustrating his philosophy and recent projects.

Environmental, Social, Relational, the title of this new program of research and education activities, is rooted in Fabrica's heritage of cross-cultural creativity for social concern.

Environmental, social and relational themes are central to human ecology, an interdisciplinary field using holistic approaches in the search for harmony between people and their natural and created environments but mainly between people and their societies.

Along these lines Fabrica wants to investigate, experiment, catalyze, document and disseminate how contemporary communication, design and artistic expression can contribute to helping people solve problems and enhance human potential, within near and far environments.

The workshop series will bring to Fabrica international artists and designers that in common have the desire to apply creativity and innovation to social improvement.


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