Siegel+Gale Names Lee Rafkin as Global Director of Simplification

Siegel+Gale Names Lee Rafkin as Global Director of Simplification

Siegel+Gale, one of the world's premier strategic branding firms, announced today the appointment of Lee Rafkin as Global Director of Simplification.

"Simplification is the founding philosophy of Siegel+Gale - and a powerful strategic tool in differentiating and transforming brands," says Alan Siegel, Chairman and CEO.

"Lee Rafkin has over 20 years of global experience as both a marketer and a brand strategist.

He will lead the Simplification practice across all of Siegel+Gale's disciplines and offices, and will expand the scope of the practice from designing functional communications to optimizing customer experience in all channels."

"We live in a complex world full of information overload.

Brands that simplify their customer experience in all touchpoints are more likely to win in today's marketplace," says Rafkin.

"There is no firm better positioned to deliver simplified customer experiences than Siegel+Gale, the pioneer of Simplification.

I'm thrilled to join the team, and I look forward to growing this essential practice area."

Siegel & Gale

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