Van Alen Institute 2009-2010 New York Prize Fellowship

Van Alen Institute 2009-2010 New York Prize Fellowship

Van Alen Institute invites applications for the 2009-2010 New York Prize Fellowship.

Fellowships support critical inquiry and experimental practices that explore, challenge, and expand conventional definitions of public architecture.

Fellows are based at the Institute for three-month residencies, where they generate projects in a range of formats on the most significant issues shaping public life and the built environment today.

The Institute welcomes proposals from emerging practitioners and scholars in the design and planning disciplines, and other fields in the arts, humanities, and sciences.

Fellowships are awarded in five project areas: Land Use and Development, Forms and Materials, Information and Communication in partnership with the Social Science Research Council, Systems and Ecology, and Culture and Politics.

The Prize includes project support, stipend, work and gallery space, and publication in the Institute's annual series Projects in Public Architecture.

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Van Alen Institute

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