2009 Master in Strategic Design - Design of the Value Offering

2009 Master in Strategic Design: Design of the Value Offering

The Master in Strategic Design, "Design of the Value Offering" is a 1st Level University Specializing Master at the Politecnico di Milano, managed by POLI.design, Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano, in collaboration with MIP, School of Management at the Politecnico di Milano.

The Master in Strategic Design is aimed at young graduates who wish to start or re-direct their professional careers at the frontier between design and management.

It is particularly intended for young designers who wish to work on problems and issues relating to innovation management and business administration, and young professionals and managers who are interested in understanding the culture and work practices of design and in enhancing its potential role in determining business strategies.

Prospective candidates must have achieved a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Design, Applied Arts & Science and Engineering, or Arts & Science, and must be motivated to pursue a career at the frontier between design and management.

The MDS program will take place in POLI.design Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano.

Application deadline is September 29th, 2009.

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