IDSA Executive Director Frank Tyneski Resigns

IDSA Executive Director Frank Tyneski Resigns

As of April 23, Frank Tyneski will be stepping down as executive director of IDSA.

Frank is taking his talents to Skinit, a leading developer and manufacturer of customized / personalized consumer products based in San Diego, where he'll serve as VP of Design Strategy/Product Development.

"IDSA has provided me with a wonderful opportunity to serve our design community as its executive director.

This has been my greatest honor to date. IDSA has enriched my design career and its members have served as some of my greatest mentors.

I'd like to thank the IDSA staff and the volunteers who work tirelessly on behalf of our design society.

As I step down from my post, I ask that all of you step up and continue to support our professional society. I know I will," said Frank.

Frank Tyneski has been at the helm of IDSA's national office since 2007.

During this time his leadership and actions helped moved several important IDSA goals forward to strengthen the organization and increase membership value.

These actions include: making and aligning meaningful collaborative opportunities with other organizations such as PDMA; embracing sustainability as a key endorser of The Designers Accord; diversifying sponsorship through new sources of revenue; energizing young design professionals; and helping to shape a strategic guide.

Additionally, Frank has served as a key information source for industrial design for numerous media outlets including BusinessWeek, the Wall Street Journal and Curve magazine.


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