Vladimir Kagan to Speak at New York School of Interior Design 2009 Commencement Exercises

Vladimir Kagan to Speak at New York School of Interior Design 2009 Commencement Exercises

New York School of Interior Design (NYSID) has selected renowned furniture designer Vladimir Kagan as its keynote speaker for this year's commencement exercises.

Kagan, who in addition to speaking will receive the college's Honorary Doctorate in Fine Arts, is one of today's most enduring designers of modern furniture with a career that has spanned over sixty years.

He started designing in 1946 and by the early fifties his innovative sculptured designs created a new look in American furniture.

Today, his sparkling creations are on the cutting edge of the 21st century.

Kagan's clients have included Marilyn Monroe, Gary Cooper, Walt Disney, General Electric and the Government of Venezuela.

Penny Bonda has also been selected to receive NYSID's Honorary Doctorate in Fine Arts.

She has been an active participant in the green building industry since its early stages and has pioneered the development of many of the accepted practices and recognized standards that have defined the sustainability movement.

She is the founding chair of the U.S. Green Building Council committee for LEED Commercial Interiors and the ASID Sustainable Design Council, and is a principal developer of REGREEN, the USGBC/ASID green residential renovation and interior remodeling program.

Although she was trained as an interior designer, her expanded expertise includes green business practices, materials evaluation and application, training, leadership and messaging.

New York School of Interior Design

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