Bunch Create Paper Stock Book for Igepa

Bunch Create Paper Stock Book for Igepa

Bunch have just designed the latest promotional stock book for Igepa, the global paper merchant.

The limited edition of 300 entitled "TEN" after Milton Glaser's essay* "Ten Things I Have Learned", presents a cross section of paper stocks available from the paper merchant.

Bunch took inspiration from Glaser's essay to present his ten "things" typographically and illustratively via a wide range of media. Toothpaste typography was used to communicate the noxious nature of some individuals.

Whilst lettuce leaves, which deteriorated the further along you read were used to communicate the aging process. This was printed onto the fold out feature of the book, which is over a meter and a half in length.

Bunch's thought behind referencing the essay was to enhance the experience of the book by sharing the great designer's insights with other people in the industry. Whilst exploring the relationship between paper stock and the design which envelopes it.

OmegaTheKid!Phoenix and Ivo Sousa came on board to illustrate, while Vanja Solin photographed various scenes for the book.

The cotton covered, hardback books come in six colour variations with different coloured foil titles on each and was printed by Cerovski in Croatia. If you are interesting in obtaining one of the limited editions please send an email to info@bunchdesign.com citing TEN in the subject.

Aside from print design, Bunch use their wide range of specialisations within branding, web, motion graphics and production to create intelligent and consistent solutions for their diverse clients. Their clients include Kemistry, JWT, Razorfish, Replay and 55DSL. They believe that creativity, clarity and consistency are the keys to successful design.

*Ten Things I Have Learned, was part of the AIGA talk Milton Glaser gave in 2001.


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