SEGD Names Fellow and Other Award Winners for 2009

SEGD Names Fellow and Other Award Winners for 2009

The Society for Environmental Graphic Design (SEGD) announced the selection of David Gibson, co-founder and managing director of New York-based Two Twelve, as the 2008 SEGD Fellow. Fellows are selected for promoting the highest values in environmental graphic design, and significantly contributing to the direction and growth of the field.

The SEGD Green Committee (Gary Anzalone, Dawn Craft, Tom Horton, Craig Johnson, Maura Matthews, Dave Miller, Naomi Pearson, Mike Santos, Danny Schneider, Harry Spetnagel, John Souter) was presented with the Distinguished Member Award for demonstrating outstanding volunteer efforts while fostering growth and excellence in SEGD programs.

Ken Ethridge was presented with the Angel Award for promoting the highest values in environmental graphic design and significantly contributing to the direction and growth of SEGD.

The Arrow Award for demonstrating exemplary service or dedication to advancing technologies and manufacturing in environmental graphic design, and striving to provide the highest quality, was awarded to 3M Commercial Graphics Division.

The Victoria & Albert Museum was presented with the Insight Award for consistently commissioning environmental graphic design programs that significantly enhance or promote opportunities for the field and environmental graphic design education, and demonstrating a long-standing commitment to recognize the field.

The winners received awards designed by Massimo Vignelli and fabricated by Design Communications Ltd.

Exceptional Expo booths also received awards
- Best Booth: Neiman & Company
- Best Fabricator Booth: Tube Arts Group
- Best Materials Supplier Booth: General Glass International
- Best New Product: Magink, Monster Route
- Best Artisan Booth: Marcel Machler, Inc.

The Expo Award batons were designed and fabricated by Peter Andrusko of Written in Stone.

The winners accepted their awards at the SEGD 2009 Annual Conference + Expo, which took place in San Diego.


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