Perkins Eastman to Design the Next Generation Trading Floor for NYSE Euronext

Perkins Eastman to Design the Next Generation Trading Floor for NYSE Euronext

The New York office of international design and architecture firm Perkins Eastman has been commissioned by NYSE Euronext to design the "next generation trading floor" through extensive renovations to the floor's Main Room, replacing traditional broker booths with modern trading desks, new screens and workspaces, and a new network while creating a unified trading environment.

The refurbishment plan will continue over the next 18 months, demolishing many of the old booths and replacing them with large open trading areas that will be able to accommodate as many as 40 traders each.

The finished space will likely resemble NYSE Euronext's new NYSE Amex options trading floor-also designed by Perkins Eastman.

"This exciting new project represents the continuation of a long-term relationship with the NYSE, says principal in charge Carl W. Ordemann AIA.

He furthers, "Projects like this are paramount to our commitment to designing work spaces that reflect and reinforce our clients' identity, vision, and core values while promoting a positive, highly productive work environment."

As described by Lou Pastina, NYSE Euronext's executive vice president in charge of NYSE operations, "In the last two years the New York Stock Exchange has increased its competitiveness, first by upgrading its technology, then by enhancing its market model.

The next phase is to physically remake the trading floor."

Perkins Eastman

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