Andrew Doolan Award 09 - Call for Entries

Andrew Doolan Award 09: Call for Entries

The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland announced the launch of this year's RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award 2009, which is supported by the Scottish Government and Mrs Margaret Doolan.

Michael Russell MSP, Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution will present the award at a reception at the Scottish Parliament on Friday 20th November at 6pm.

Representatives from each practice making a submission to the award will be invited to this ceremony.

The RIAS Doolan Award for Architecture was established in 2002.

Its objective is clear, to find and celebrate the best buildings in Scotland.

The architects of the winning building will receive £25,000, making this both the largest architectural prize in the UK and one of the most significant architecture awards in the world.

The award was renamed the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award in 2004 in memory of its founder and patron, the inspired architect / developer Andy Doolan, who died in April of that year.

The deadline for entries is October 26, 2009.

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