Wood type aficionados will converge for a Wayzgoose weekend, Nov. 20-22, filled with print presentations and type talk including Matthew Carter as he unveils "Carter Latin Wide," his first wood typeface and the newest addition to one of the premier wood type collections in the world.
Marking the end of summer, Wayzgoose traditionally commemorates an annual gathering of printing staff as they used the last of the season's pulp to paper the windows in preparation for winter.
Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum hosts a modern revival in Two Rivers, Wis. Along with Carter, Rich Kegler of P22, Paul Brown of Indiana University and Kartemquin Film's "TypeFace" documentary will be among the weekend's presentations.
Jim Sherraden of Hatch Show Print will host a winter weekend letterpress workshop Dec. 11-13.
This will be limited to 15 participants who will work side-by-side with one of the world's premier letterpress printers exploring Hamilton's 1.5 million pieces of wood type and more than 1,000 styles and sizes of patterns.
more: woodtype.org (94)