Siegel+Gale Helps Care Support of America Connect

Siegel+Gale Helps Care Support of America Connect

Siegel+Gale, one of the world's premier strategic branding companies, has completed a major rebranding project for Care Support of America, a national family care manager service formerly known as Your Support Nurse. Care Support of America, which is staffed by registered nurses with at least 10 years of experience in eldercare, provides practical guidance and compassionate support to family members coordinating care for their aging parents or spouses - from finding in-home aides, nurses, and equipment for aging safely at home to organizing a parent's return home from hospitals to understanding doctors' treatment plans and insurance benefits.

The new Care Support of America identity and "Trusted Guidance as Your Parents Age" tagline reflect CSA's national scope and commitment to helping families. A new logo of stylized stars symbolizes the changing relationship of adult children becoming caregivers for their parents, as well as the guidance that Care Support of America offers to its clients.

Care Support of America

"Everyone involved in caring for aging parents needs to know about Care Support of America," says Alan Siegel, Chairman and CEO of Siegel+Gale. "CSA has a particular challenge in the eldercare space. We all discover as we begin to become involved in our parents' care that eldercare is an intricate web of services that are national, regional, statewide, and local; for-profit and non-profit; medical and non-medical; and for the most part well-meaning but also with the potential for elder abuse or fraud."

Care Support of America is unique. Its approach to family caregiving has been published in respected peer-review and trade publications, and has been proven in clinical research to extend aging at home, improve patient outcomes and satisfaction, and reduce time in nursing homes.

Siegel+Gale redesigned Care Support of America's robust new Website, which launched on October 5 and now includes expanded information, tools, insights, and checklists for family caregivers who are coordinating care, with professional help or on their own.

"Siegel+Gale really understands the Care Support of America brand promise," says Dan Tobin, M.D., Founder and CEO. "It's in our DNA at Care Support of America to help our clients solve eldercare problems so that they can focus on spending positive, meaningful, quality time with their aging parents."

Siegel & Gale

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