The Sustainable Sites Initiative Rating System

The Sustainable Sites Initiative Rating System

The Sustainable Sites Initiative (SSI) announced the release of the first rating system for the creation and maintenance of sustainable landscapes, a system that will likely have significant impact on the design and development of the nation's public parks and recreation areas.

A guiding principle of the SSI is that sustainable sites should not only conserve but also contribute to regenerating resources in developed landscapes.

Outlined in a new report, "Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks 2009" along with a companion report entitled "The Case for Sustainable Landscapes," the new national performance rating system provides metrics for how sustainable developed landscapes are to be rated.

The Sustainable Sites rating system is composed of prerequisites and credits.

If prerequisites are met, up to 250 points will be awarded in 51 separate credits covering areas such as site selection, soils, vegetation, restoration of disturbed sites, recycling of materials and sustainable construction methods.

In addition to a credit system, the SSI also requires a continuous cycle of assessment and evaluation, whereby land managers can regularly update their management practices based on results.

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