Design Consultancy TheAlloy Hands Ownership to Employees

Design Consultancy TheAlloy Hands Ownership to Employees

Farnham-based design consultancy TheAlloy is now 100% owned by its employees following the purchase of the company by an Employee Benefits Trust that enables every member of staff to share in the company's success.

"It has long been my dream for TheAlloy to be an employee owned business so that we can continue to innovate in product and experience design," said Gus Desbarats, Chairman.

"Every one of our people can now share in the success that their creativity brings."

TheAlloy, whose clients include BT, Grass Valley, Toshiba and T3 Magazine, will be able to maintain its independence as well as its unique way of working, with clients interacting directly with the designers who are innovating on their behalf.

"Creating an employee-owned business has been a challenging journey that has taken time and effort," continued Desbarats.

"I wanted to be sure that the company would continue to develop its reputation for outstanding design and be able to attract the best industry talent long after the initial founders have retired.

The Employee Benefits Trust ensures this can take place without the business having to satisfy the needs of external stakeholders."

The Employee Benefits Trust is governed by a board of directors including elected employees.

Gus Desbarats remains Chairman of TheAlloy whilst Jim Blyth, who was the first employee when TheAlloy was founded ten years ago, has taken on the role of Managing Director.


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