RCKa Wins Preston Housing Competition

RCKa Wins Preston Housing Competition

RCKa has been selected as the winner of the Gateway goes for Guild Social Housing competition.

They will work with Community Gateways, Preston's largest housing association to deliver a social housing development in Preston city for occupation in 2012, to coincide with and celebrate Preston Guild 2012.

Preston Guild is a famous and unique celebration with more than 800 years of tradition.

The Guild dates back to the granting of Preston's first Charter by King Henry in 1179.

Linking the city's glorious heritage and past with its ambitions for the future, the Guild is Preston's most important and historic event and is held every 20 years.

The next Guild is in 2012 with the theme of "Innovation and Creativity."

Launched in September 2009, the competition invited Architects to develop innovative design proposals for a social housing development in the centre of Preston, where people would aspire to live.

The winning scheme, with an emphasis on design quality and energy efficiency, was to be a project demonstrating that affordable does not equate to ordinary, and act as an exemplar for future social housing developments in Preston and elsewhere.


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