Herman Miller Asks Students - Where Do You Learn Best?

Herman Miller Asks Students: Where Do You Learn Best?

Herman Miller is introducing its first video contest targeting full-time students attending 2-or 4-year U.S. colleges or universities.

The contest, titled "Hey, Where Do You Learn Best?", encourages students to document areas on or off campus that best support their learning.

"The reality is that learning can take place anywhere, so we hope to see a variety of entries that are creative, fun or serious.

Overall, we want to give students a voice and have them share with us their favorite learning space and explain why it makes a difference," said Jeff Vredevoogd, Herman Miller's Director of Education Solutions.

Vredevoogd added that the concept and results will be of great interest to campus leadership as well as faculty and students.

"This contest will promote discussion about the rapidly changing needs of students and how higher education facilities can respond to those needs," he noted.

Contest entries will be accepted until March 26, 2010.

Herman Miller

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