Sustainable Brands 2010 - The Power of And

Sustainable Brands 2010: The Power of And

The leading brands of the future will be sustainable brands. Building them takes a new kind of thinking, a new group of collaborators, and a new set of tools. The world's leading sustainable business innovators will attend Sustainable Brands '10 for three days of extraordinary conversation, inspiration and insights. They will learn how "The Power of And" is driving market-changing innovation and a new path for tomorrow's leading brands. Participants will be inspired, engaged and equipped to begin or continue their own cycle of sustainable business innovation by building the discipline to continually observe, re-design, measure and communicate their efforts.

Last year's SB'09 conference furthered three years of consecutive growth, realizing a 20% increase in attendance during one of the toughest economic environments on record. The event brought together business and brand strategists, designers and sustainability executives for three days of extraordinary conversation, inspiration and insights into new strategies and tactics for leading profitable innovation for sustainability in the 21st century.

Change agents from companies like Ben & Jerry's, Hewlett Packard, HSBC, Starbucks, IDEO, Johnson & Johnson, Mattel, UPS, Kaiser Permanente, Coca-Cola, Method, Nestle, Pfizer, Toyota, Unilever and more are expected to attend again in 2010. This year's early sponsors include Dell, SAP, Domtar, Fast Company,, Citizen and Cohn & Wolfe.

"In today's increasingly complex global marketplace, massive opportunity exists for re-designing your products and business to meet changing stakeholder demands," said KoAnn Skrzyniarz, CEO of Sustainable Life Media. "Tomorrow's winning brands provide smarter, healthier solutions as they delight in design and compete in performance. They'll communicate their benefits authentically and they'll win in the market through the loyalty they earn from their customers."


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