Painted Words, Tainted Logos - John Langdon

Painted Words, Tainted Logos: John Langdon

For almost four decades John Langdon has been seeing things in the words of the English language and the names of American businesses and products that most of us might not have even imagined.

His logos reveal the essence of a company's soul with clarity, beauty, and wit. His love of type is unexceeded.

When existing typefaces will not meet John's needs or expectations, he draws original letterforms - sometimes very original.

In the early 1970s, he pioneered the art of ambigrams, recently called "the hottest trend in typography" by Wired Magazine.

Painted Words, Tainted Logos presents several of John's paintings - three from his logo manipulation series from 1999 and 2000, and several from his recent and ongoing "mixed symmetries" series.

The exhibition will be on display at TDC's offices through February and March.

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Type Directors Club

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