Metaform Product Development Designs Waldo Health Home Monitor

Metaform Product Development Designs Waldo Health Home Monitor

David Shaw of San Francisco's Metaform Product Development has created the industrial design of the Waldo Health Home Monitor for Waldo Networks. The Waldo Health Home Monitor is a revolutionary, low-cost telemedicine device designed to help the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases manage their healthcare from home.

The simple to use transportable device features an intuitive touch screen interface, visual alert light, videoconferencing capabilities, collects data from other medical devices like glucose meters, weight scales, and blood pressure monitors, and wirelessly transfers vital health information to remote care providers.

Traditionally cumbersome and disparate tasks like accessing medical records, researching medical conditions, scheduling appointments, interfacing with doctors, pharmacists, and nurses, and managing medications can all be done in one easy to use, centralized device. Medical tasks aside, Waldo can also serve as a versatile home entertainment device to play games which further helps to exercise the mind and aid new users in gaining familiarity with operating the unit.

Metaform Product Development

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