Scottish Government Sustainable Housing Competition

Scottish Government Sustainable Housing Competition

As part of the Scottish Government's Scottish Sustainable Communities Initiative (SSCI) the RIAS is managing a design competition based around the SSCI exemplar site at Whitecross, near Linlithgow. The competition seeks housing and urban design proposals that combine high levels of sustainability and reductions in carbon emissions with a sensitive response to place and context.

It is expected that design proposals will reflect a "new vernacular" for Scottish architecture that demonstrates how environmentally-sensitive designs might influence both the architecture and urban layout of contemporary development. "The design and development of sustainable housing is at the heart of what this Government wants for communities across Scotland," commented Fiona Hyslop, Culture Minister. "This Design Competition is an exciting opportunity for practices to come forward with bold and challenging architecture that can contribute to sustainable development and the fight against climate change.

I look forward to seeing high-quality and creative responses developed for Scotland. What is different about this competition is that designs, while inspiring and innovative, must be realistic and commercially viable. Designing original and inventive buildings that can be realised and replicated is a vital element in supporting the construction sector to deliver the low-carbon communities that Scotland needs."

The SSCI design competition is a restricted competition, split into two stages. The initial stage of the competition, launched today, invites expressions of interest and the completion of a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ). The second stage will involve the release of more detailed information to a maximum of five shortlisted parties. These parties will then be invited to submit design proposals to be judged by a specialist panel.

Details on how to enter this first stage of the competition can be obtained by email only from RIAS Consultancy - email

The competition is an architect-led ideas competition and is open to registered architects. It is expected that architects will work with other design professionals of their choosing in order to develop designs in sufficient detail for assessment by a judging panel.


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