IDSA Announced IDEA 2010 Winners

IDSA Announced IDEA 2010 Winners

IDSA announced the winners of the 2010 International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA).

Co-sponsored by IDSA and FastCompany, the annual IDEA competition generates global attention from designers, business leaders and consumers as a powerful endorsement of the aesthetics and usability of winning designs.

This year, not one, but three winners were named Best in Show by the 2010 IDEA awards jury.

"We have three winners: a technology-based digital product, an ecological responsible consumer product and a socially responsible solution to a basic human need," said IDSA's Chief Executive Clive Roux.

"No result could have more accurately reflected where industrial design finds itself today.

Certainly it would have been a mistake if we had forced a decision to be made between the extremes of what design can contribute to the world as well as to business.

Design works across the spectrum of human needs and issues and can produce excellence at both extremes."

The top three designs include 'Slingbox 700U' developed by NewDealDesign and SlingMedia, 'Easy Latrine' developed by International Development Enterprises, and 'Method Laundry Detergent with Smartclean Technology' developed by Method Products.

IDEA: International Design Excellence Awards

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