Call for Expression of Interest to Host 2014 DRS Biennial Conference

Call for Expression of Interest to Host 2014 DRS Biennial Conference

The Design Research Society Council making a call to institutions, groups and individuals to express an interest in hosting the 2014 Design Research Society Conferences and co-ordinating Special Interest Tracks.

In selecting venues for 2014, Council will be mindful that Conference has already been located in the UK, Thailand, Canada, Australia and Portugal and of its need to support its full international membership.

Proposals should be no more than 1000 words and should take account of the principles set out above and specifically cover the following areas:

- Host institution, including past experience managing events of this kind
- Named Principal Organiser (Should normally be a DRS Council member. If not, the proposal should indicate how DRS Council will be represented)
- Proposed dates (Council will consider any date during the years 2014, but proposals should take the normal academic year and dates of other potential conflicting events into account)
- Benefits of the location including logistics
- Available facilities: Plenary venue and track accommodation, daytime catering and for a conference dinner/event, social facilities in the area, availability of accommodation at a range of prices.
- Statement by the Principal Organiser that the institution will support the event and accept the financial risks involved.

Interested parties should submit proposals to Dr Erik Bohemia (Events Secretary) at by September 30, 2010.

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