Girls on Film is the first fashion editorial film, captured on location in Paris, with the revolutionary RED EPIC Camera and directed by the highly acclaimed photography duo Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. The creative team broke ground by using the unreleased capture technology of the RED EPIC Camera, an innovative video camera system that allows for capture at a resolution higher than six times that of current consumer HD televisions as well as slow motion capabilities. RED Digital Cinema worked closely with the coalition to provide Inez and Vinoodh with two RED EPIC cameras, which were used in conjunction with a third RED MX camera.
Featured in the video are three of the fashion industry's most sought - after talents: Natasha Poly, Anja Rubik, and Isabelli Fontana. Executive produced by Federico Pignatelli of Art and Fashion Group and Pier 59 Studios, Raja Sethuraman and Magnus Anderson of Gloss Studio, and their joint venture Gloss59, the film is instrumental in demonstrating the scope of service and expert quality achievable through their collaboration with the industry's best technologies.
The piece was created to celebrate the 90th anniversary of French Vogue and the launch of the magazine's newly developed iPad application. Drawing on the collective collaboration of the industry's front - runners, the French Vogue video truly illustrates the future of fashion photography in high resolution and slow motion.
Viewers can experience the success of this effort by purchasing the Vogue Paris 90 ans app, available through the iTunes AppStore.