The Museum of Arts and Design in New York City in partnership with the Victor J. Papanek Foundation at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Austrian Cultural Forum New York announced: Design for the Real World Redux, an international design competition, and the launch of the Victor J. Papanek Social Design Award.
Established and emerging designers are invited to submit innovative and radical examples of ecologically responsible and/or socially responsive designs that address everyday problems or social needs in the spirit of Victor Papanek's philosophy
"Design, if it is to be ecologically responsible and socially responsive, must be revolutionary and radical in the truest sense.
It must dedicate itself to... maximum diversity with minimum inventory... or doing the most with the least."
These prescient words were written 40 years ago by Viennese-born designer and thinker Victor J. Papanek and published in his influential book Design for the Real World.
While many have been inspired by Papanek's plea for responsible and humane design, many more have ignored it.
Yet as we face unparalleled social, economic, and environmental challenges, Papanek's words are more timely and urgent than ever.
Deadline for submissions is June 1, 2011.
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