Architecture and the Law: Innovation, Liability and Risk is the second in a series of debates by RIBA, exploring ideas that help architects face and resolve diverse professional challenges in the context of contemporary social, economic and political conditions.
The Melvin Debates are held in memory of the late Peter and Muriel Melvin, and reflect their wide and varied interests in architecture. Both studied architecture and worked together for almost 50 years after they married in 1960. Peter Melvin was a member of the RIBA Council for many years, and twice a vice-president. The debates are funded in their memory by their children, Joanna, Jeremy and Stephen.
In the latest debate, issues to be discussed include:
- Balancing innovation and risk
- Insurance: professionals' responsibility, clients' benefit?
- Design innovation and risk management
- Results and resolutions
Participants in the debate include: John Barber, barrister, engineer, and academic; Margaret Bickford-Smith, QC; Sir Peter Coulson, QC; Robert Hogarth, senior partner, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP; David Jones, solicitor and ARB council member, and architects Alfred Munkenbeck, and Graham Stirk.