IDSANYC, IDEO and Objeto Brasil to Host Events at ICFF

IDSANYC, IDEO and Objeto Brasil to Host Events at ICFF

The Industrial Designers Society of America's New York City Chapter (IDSANYC) and IDSA's Furniture Section will exhibit for the sixth year at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF). Twelve designers from Sausalito, Calif. to Brooklyn, N.Y. will represent IDSA and display their designs for furniture, tablescapes, wallpaper and accessories in an over 72-foot booth. In addition, IDSANYC will partner with IDEO and Objeto Brasil Association on events during New York Design Week.

"We see our participation at ICFF and contributing to New York Design Week as an opportunity for IDSA, the New York City Chapter of IDSA and IDSA's Furniture Section to connect with the New York design scene and the global design and business community," said New York Chapter Chair Stephan Clambaneva. "This is our sixth year exhibiting at this event, and it provides a unique platform for our members for worldwide exposure and showcases IDSA's leadership role in the industrial design profession and beyond."

A Sense of New York - Joint IDSA/IDEO Event
May 10, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
IDEO New York (28 Mercer St.)

This private event will explore how to make the intangible tangible. Using the five senses and iconic locations around New York City as inspiration, participants will take a specific sense of New York and make it tangible. Participants will receive an inspiration kit prior to the event to help them capture their sense. At the event, they can work individually or in small groups, using a set of provided materials, to turn their sense into physical form. At the end of the evening, models will be shared and then packaged up and sent away to get ready for ICFF weekend, where higher-fidelity versions will be exhibited physically and virtually.

Fresh From Brasil
May 13 to May 16
Wanted Design in La. Venue, West Chelsea, 28th St. & 11th Ave.

Objeto Brasil Association with the support of Apex-Brasil will showcase the best of Brazilian design during the New York Design Week with an initiative called "Fresh from Brasil." Some of the companies Objeto Brasil will feature include the design studios Greco Design, FF Design Studio and Quadrante Design; the architecture office Alexandre Chaguri Architecture, the technology company ONEON, the jewelry designer Duda Rimes Design and Fiat Automoveis.

IDSA's New York City Chapter and IDSA's Furniture Section
May 14 - May 16
Jacob Javits Center at Booth 801
Saturday, May 14 - Monday, May 16
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Trade and General Public
Tuesday, May 17
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.