CannesAlso to Showcase World's Biggest Book Guinness Record Attempt

CannesAlso to Showcase World's Biggest Book Guinness Record Attempt

The Brand Union and Lambie-Nairn will attempt to break a Guinness World Record for the world's "Biggest Book" at this year's CannesAlso.

Conceived and designed by leading branding agencies The Brand Union and Lambie-Nairn, the book will be the centrepiece of this year's CannesAlso exhibit, its pages will showcase a selection of the best photographs received from this year's entrants. The book will sit outside the main entrance to the Palais des Festivals in Cannes during Festival week June 19-25, 2011.

CannesAlso is a new initiative launched as part of this year's Cannes Lions Festival, and will showcase private photographs taken by members of the marketing and communications industry. World-renowned photographer Rankin will be part of the panel responsible for selecting the images to be featured in the exhibition.

Anyone who dabbles in photography, from utter beginner to semi-professional, can enter up to three pieces into CannesAlso - for free.

Brand Union

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