ClickFire Media Hires Senior Digital Marketing Strategist Jennifer Winberg

ClickFire Media Hires Senior Digital Marketing Strategist Jennifer Winberg

ClickFire Media is putting special attention on their comprehensive digital and social media efforts with the hiring of Jennifer Winberg as the company's new digital marketing strategist. The force behind recent projects for Lunchbox Studios in Los Angeles and FUNimation Entertainment in Dallas, Winberg is known for executing multiple digital campaigns that have been featured in Shopper Marketing magazine.

"We're welcoming Jenn with open arms and unlimited excitement," noted ClickFire Media President Peter Corbett. "She has already worked on several assignments for us, using her experience at Lunchbox in LA to craft some terrific insights and cutting-edge outreach strategies."

"Coming from a production and multi-media background, I was looking to work for a company with a large number of creative and interactive projects," stated Winberg. "I was drawn to ClickFire Media and Click 3X because of the scope and variety of projects they work on, from mobile apps to animated video series. I am very excited to join such a creative, robust and energetic team, adding an additional layer to the agency with my digital marketing experience. This is a great partnership that will allow for the growth and development of the entire team."

Winberg has been featured in the Member Spotlight for the Dallas Women in Film Organization, and the Chick Flicks Film Festival selected her as part of their Programming Committee in 2007. Aside from her duties at ClickFire Media, Winberg is a consultant to nonprofits and independent filmmakers, helping them to market their creative projects and other endeavors.

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