Frontage choreographs a delicate ballet in a new set of spots for Sony Bravia. Transforming a city street into a simple-yet-elegant stage for dance and a quiet theatre into a bustling recital, Mass Market worked closely with director Daniel Askill to create the beautiful aesthetic of the dances.
The Mass Market VFX team, lead by VFX supervisor and lead compositor Daniel Parker, helped visualize and manifest the concept of the troop of ballerinas for both spots. "It's been a fun challenge to transform a bustling New York City avenue into a simplified backdrop for the color and beauty of the dancers," Parker elaborated. The VFX team had extensive cleanup work ahead of them on all of the shots, removing gawking tourists and passing cars from each frame. After correcting the look of the street and shifting the city to center the dancers, they doubled the amount of ballerinas Askill shot and rebuilt the background plate and buildings to compliment the symmetry of the spot.

The end result integrates the director's vision with the technical skill of the Mass Market VFX team to create a gorgeous finish on both pieces, bringing the city street and the theatre to life.