Rabbit directing team Black Swan transforms desert creatures into a dapper group in the charming new :40 "Wildly Civilized" for Renault out of Publicis Conseil, Paris. The spot features a gang of meerkats racing to polish up their image for the arrival of the sophisticated new Renault Koleos. Black Swan's Nick Losq worked closely with post house Mathematic Studios throughout the entire process to develop the detailed CG environment and to define the character and movement of the drab-to-fab gang of meerkats.
Losq began the process by pouring over real footage of meerkats in their natural habitats, carefully observing and capturing their notably humanlike mannerisms. He spent a total of three and a half weeks working closely with the Carnibird team in Paris directing the previs and overseeing the final picture to ensure that the CG creatures were as realistic as possible and appropriately served to tell the story through this real life motion. "We wanted to ensure that the meerkats were not overly cartoony and I pulled a great deal of references to provide imagery to help the team simulate how the animals would move in each shot," he noted. Losq returned to Paris for the final week of the production, ensuring that each element of the post production aligned with the lifelike vision of the spot.