Winners of 2011 RIBA President's Awards for Research

Winners of 2011 RIBA President's Awards for Research

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced the winners of the 2011 RIBA President's Awards for Research which reward and encourage outstanding research in architecture.

Awards are presented in three categories:

- RIBA President's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis
- RIBA President's Award for Outstanding University-located Research
- RIBA President's Award for Outstanding Professional Practice-located Research

This year, the RIBA President's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis was awarded to Milinda Pathiraja of the University of Melbourne for his thesis The function of robust technology in the construction of a 'third world' practice: architecture, design and labour training. "This is a huge and far-reaching study that addresses the very real problems of meaningful, lasting and achievable development across the 'developing world,'" judges said. "It carries a relevant and accessible message for architects in the developing world but which applies equally to the UK context. As a ground-breaking, cross-disciplinary investigation, it is an excellent example of how research that joins up issues across the construction industry might be carried out."

Tatjana Schneider and Jeremy Till of the Universities of Sheffield and Westminster were awarded the RIBA President's Award for Outstanding University-located Research for their work Spatial Agency. "Describing a series of case-study projects that are marginal to the mainstream activities of the architectural profession, unofficial and informal practices, this is a timely study; it raises issues that are vital for the future," judges commented.

Two commendations were also awarded in this category: Brian Ford of the University of Nottingham for his thesis Passive and Hybrid Downdraught Cooling (PHDC), and Jane Rendell of the Bartlett School of Architecture for her thesis Site - Writing: The Architecture of Art Criticism.

The RIBA President's Award for Outstanding Professional Practice-located Research was awarded to Joanne Denison and Chris Halligan of Stephen George & Partners for their project Building Materials and the Environment. "This is a well presented and highly readable compendium of construction materials and their environmental impact," stated judges. "It is written in a language that will sustain both the uninitiated and the comparative expert."

Indy Johar of Architecture 00:/ was commended for his project Compendium for the Civic Economy. "A topical source of inspiration and information for organisations and individuals embarking on collaborative community regeneration and place-shaping projects, this work is highly original and may be the first book of this kind written by an architectural practice," judges commented.

"The RIBA President's Awards are now well-established, and are attracting ever more entries," said Professor Andrew Ballantyne, chair of the judging panel. "Architecture is so varied and touches so many aspects of our lives that it generates research across a wide spectrum. We need to know about technique - how things are done and also how things might be done. We also need to know how buildings can move us, and how we bond with them.

It is a complex task to adjudicate across this range of competition, but the judging process was marked by the broad expertise that was brought to the table, by the good-natured exchanges and the appreciation of the work under scrutiny. A consensus emerged, and we have some worthy winners. There is much to learn from them, and we hope that the profession will find the work thought-provoking, challenging and useful."

The judges were impressed by the diversity of entries to all three categories. The awards will be presented to the winners at the annual RIBA President's Student Medals Awards ceremony on December 7, 2011, at the RIBA.


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