Design studio Solid recently collaborated with entertainment network Control Room on an animated film, which premiered during the William J. Clinton Foundation's "Decade of Difference" celebration at the Hollywood Bowl. Featuring a star-studded line-up including Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga, Usher, Bono & The Edge, Ashton Kutcher and many others, the concert was a celebration of the foundation's 10 years of amazing global work along with the former president's 65th birthday.
In between the rousing musical performances were a series of five short films, each created by a different studio through an inspiring mix of music, live-action or animation, and message. The films shared the story of the Clinton Foundation and its mission to implement sustainable programs that improve access worldwide to investment, opportunity, and lifesaving services now and for future generations.
Solid contributed its talent to the third film in the series - the only one done in animation, which revealed the actual mechanics of the organization and its philosophy of "How" to turn good intentions into measurable results, such as improving global health, promoting healthier childhoods, strengthening economies and protecting the environment.
"Solid brought all of the artistic direction in terms of bringing the script to life," explained Ryan Cummins, Executive Producer of the Clinton Foundation's "Decade of Difference" Film Series. "On this film, in particular, I had the unique role of writing the actual script. So when my producing partner and I began our exhaustive search for a creative team to bring these challenging abstract ideas to life, we sought out artists who demonstrate an ability to grasp complex information, yet present it in a completely digestible, aesthetically engaging way. Solid brought an idea that stood out amongst a field of A-class players. And more importantly, they carried out that idea in their execution."
Using a combination of 2D & 3D animation, motion graphics and typography, Solid created a graphic language to communicate how the foundation works, and how it effectively inspires action and collaboration among people of various expertise and backgrounds.
"It was important to visualize the 'How' process in a way that was engaging and easy-to-understand," said Shane Zucker, Creative Director of Solid. "To be given the opportunity to work on a project of this magnitude was a real honor. We had a rewarding collaboration with Ryan Cummins, his producing partner Matt Pohlson, and the entire creative team at Control Room."
"Our concept used typography to drive the film and layered dimensional elements, which helped take viewers along the narrative," added George Revilla, Art Director of Solid. "All five films were part of a larger story of hope and inspiration, and by the end of the show, the audience had a real good idea of how the Clinton Foundation works to tackle these myriad global challenges."
"Given the unique global reach of the Clinton Foundation and the tremendous positive impact it has had, we needed to ensure that all production partners were extremely accurate and respectful to the work," concluded Cummins. "The entire team at Solid rose to the occasion, and our work with Shane [Zucker]
was as clear and healthy as one could ever hope for. His easygoing approach made the effort feel more relaxed, yet his attentiveness and care for detail gave us the confidence he could deliver. And he did."