The One Club for Art and Copy will induct Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, advertising creative Paula Green and director/producer Joe Pytka into the Creative Hall of Fame on January 17, 2012 in New York City. The One Club is also initiating an Educator's Hall of Fame with its first inductee, Robert Lawton from Creative Circus in Atlanta.
Steve Jobs will be honored for a lifetime of contributions to design, branding and communications. As a visionary leader, his passion for design not only created products that changed the way we interact with technology and media, but changed the way we create content in media. Since 1984 the One Show has awarded over 100 pieces of advertising and design created and produced for Apple byApple's design team and by the long and storied partnership with Chiat/Day, which continues today with TBWAMedia Arts Lab.

Also being honored that evening is Paula Green, who is best known for creating the Avis car rental campaign, "We Try Harder" and the lyrics to the "Look for the Union Label" song for the ILGWU. One of the pioneers of women in advertising, Green started her career at Grey as a copywriter before heading over to Seventeen magazine. She then moved on to the LC Gumbinner Agency and later joined DDB during its "Mad Men" heyday in the 1960s. Partnered with art director Helmut Krone, Green worked under the tutelage of copy chief Phyllis Robinson and rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the first female group head at DDB. She later went on to start her own agency and created memorable work for clients including Goya Foods ("Goya, Oh Boy-a!"), the American Cancer Society and The New York Times.

Considered one of the greatest commercial directors in history, fellow inductee Joe Pytka's body of work spans over 40 years with more than 5,000 commercials and film projects. Known for his big-budget Super Bowl ads, hiscreations include some of the greatest hits of advertising from the last several decades, such as Madonna's controversial "Make a Wish" video for Pepsi featuring the song "Like a Prayer," "Bo Knows" for Nike, Ed and Frank for Bartles and Jaymes, "I Am Not a Role Model" with Charles Barkley for Nike and the frying egg commercial with the tagline, "This is your brain on drugs." As a filmmaker, Pytka directed Let it Ride starring Richard Dreyfuss and Space Jam with Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny. He also directed videos including "Free as a Bird" by The Beatles, "Just Like Starting Over" by John Lennon and Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel" and "Dirty Diana."

Robert Lawton is being inducted as the inaugural member of The One Club Educator's Hall of Fame. Lawton has worked at several design studios and agencies throughout his career, but his passion has always been in education. At East Texas State University (now Texas A&M East at Commerce), some of his soon-to-be famous students included photographer Mark Seliger, illustrator Michael Schwab and chief creative officer John Norman of The Martin Agency. After joining Portfolio Center in Atlanta, he left to co-found The Creative Circus with Norm Grey in 1995. Today, the school is renowned for its advertising and design programs with many of its students becoming successful creatives at agencies around the world.
Jobs, Green and Pytka will be joining a long list of Creative Hall of Fame members from the past and present including David Ogilvy, Bill Bernbach, Phyllis Robinson, Jay Chiat and Lee Clow.