The Modern Architecture Game

The Modern Architecture Game

Which statesman said: We shape our buildings. Thereafter they shape us? Answer the question correctly and you're one step closer at winning the Modern Architecture Game. Give a wrong answer, and the infamous round glasses of Le Corbusier are passed on to the next player.

Containing almost a 1000 questions, the Modern Architecture Game provides the base for an evening full of insights in the world's most famous architects, buildings and trends of the Western architecture, all through the roll of a dice. The goal is simple: To reach the heart of the board before anyone else. This is done by moving your way through questions of six different categories: Visuals, Architect, Project, Style, Influence and Quote.

To feel more like an architect yourself, creators NEXT Architects paid special attention to the design: The board is made out of a construction drawing and the game pins are miniatures of six famous buildings. Wearing Le Corbusier's' glasses isn't only for the spectacle but also keeps the player at turn from reading the answers on the game card. Form follows function. So all that stands in between you and worlds architectural historians is knowing who designed the TWA terminal at JFK Airpoirt, NY. And in which year was CIAM founded, 1928, 1938 or 1948?

NEXT Architects

  • Filed under Architecture
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