New medical device company NayaMed appointed Webb deVlam to develop its comprehensive brand identity programme that reflects the simplicity of its pacemakers and defibrillators. Webb deVlam has devised an elegant solution for every element of the branding collaterals - packaging, digital and print as well as integrated RFID technology- that is as simple and intuitive as NayaMed's products and supporting services.
The brand identity breaks all the conventions traditionally associated with the medical sector. Instead of blue and green palettes and packs with lifestyle images of patients and practitioners, NayaMed adopts a unique approach featuring an iconic orange dot and simple visual language. The pneumonic has such visual strength and contrast that it stands out in the hospital and surgery environment for quick and immediate recognition.

The tangible packaging and print elements marry with the online presence where NayaMed provides information support and supply services for stock-taking and sales. Cardiologists and administrative staff appreciate the direct and uncomplicated visual language. The orange dot pneumonic also has a practical application - acting as the obvious on-pack marker for the RFID technology.
Naya is an African word meaning 'get well'. 'Simply does it' is the NayaMed strapline to describe its products and service. It captures the essence of the company's ethos whilst simultaneously imbuing trust. NayaMed has rationalised the design and functionality of pacemakers and defibrillators to provide a simple device that gets directly to the heart of the patient's condition. It operates an online stock management system that employs RFID technology for ordering and monitoring product supplies.

The Practical Application of the 'dot' as a Pneumonic
'Simply does it' also applies to the simple and direct brand identity that uses the full stop at the end of the NayaMed logotype as the focal point for the design development and expands the use of the dot as the visual device on all the marketing collaterals. Sometimes the bright orange dot is magnified to stand alone, elsewhere it carries the website address or acts as a 3D symbol in animated photography. The strong and simple visual gives the packs significant impact on shelves in cluttered hospital stockrooms, making it easy to see and select. For the store-room, Webb deVlam designed the brand identity for the RFID scanner as well as the transparent stand-alone drawer unit to hold the NayaMed stock, lanyards and patient identification cards.
Nayamed needed to be different, modern and to use a different design language. It is aimed at consultants, GPs and surgeons who appreciate direct, uncomplicated information and the efficacy of the product. Webb deVlam kept the design simple and to the point using a sans serif typeface and modular font.

NayaMed's company stationery, product brochures and even a range of screen savers provide a cohesive visual language that is strong, fresh and dynamic. Words and phrases that were unearthed during user insight research act as inspirational messages and give the brand its personality that is approachable and accessible. Webb deVlam has provided NayaMed with guidelines for the brand identity in anticipation of the company's growth and product development.

"Simple and intuitive, like their products and positioning, the identity is immediate and consistent within a busy market-place," explained John-Paul Hunter, Webb deVlam's creative director. "In use, cardiologists and administrative staff appreciate the direct and uncomplicated visual language.
Our Discovery, Insight and Innovation process explores emotional appeal and commercial effectiveness - Nayamed is a fantastic example of how this process proves to be an effective platform to generate engaging creativity, be it FMCG, premium packaging or brand identity systems."