Verizon Wireless and creative agency Moxie recently tapped bi-coastal effects boutique Brickyard VFX to create seamless visual effects for Verizon's :30 online spot "Send Reinforcements." The spot broke last month as part of Verizon's ongoing 4G LTE online video campaign.
"Send Reinforcements" features an embattled colonial-era general making a desperate plea to his superiors for backup. He sends off his request via carrier pigeon, hoping that his note will arrive in time. The general has barely turned around when all of a sudden the pigeon is back, response in tow. The spot closes with the general's clever quip, "you're quite the carrier," a nod to Verizon's speedy new service.
Led by Patrick Poulatian, the Brickyard team tapped Autodesk Flame to composite two unique performances by the general into one seamless shot of the bird leaving and then returning, landing on the general's shoulder. Brickyard also animated a burst of CG feathers to emphasize the bird's speed.