Trollback and Company Created a New Logo and Branding Package for TV Land

Trollback + Company Created a New Logo and Branding Package for TV Land

Trollback + Company teamed up with TV Land for their fourth branding project and first logo reinvention in the network's 16-year history. The new look, accompanied by the tagline, "Laugh More" first aired May 9th.

Following the success of their own hit shows, TV Land engaged T+Co to redesign their on-air branding including the new logo that would align with their original comedies and better relate to their expanding target audience. The goal for the logo was to lose the retro feeling and make it more modern while maintaining TV Land's heritage. "The new horizontal logo locks up with type neatly, allowing us to constantly reinforce the brand connection between the network and the shows," explained Creative Director Anna Minkkinen.

The shooting style was also designed to express a fresh, dynamic energy. By using diverse talent shots and juxtaposing punchy imagery, the team was able to set a bold, fun tone against a rich color palette.

Trollback + Company's on-going relationship with TV Land spans over the past six years and includes four rebrands. "Our extensive creative partnership with TV Land has given us the opportunity to be part of the network's evolution," added Jakob Trollback. "Given our familiarity with the brand, we knew that the logo was due for an overhaul to shake off some old perceptions."

Trollback + Company

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