RIBA Annie Spink Award

RIBA Annie Spink Award

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is seeking nominations for the Annie Spink Award, presented in recognition of an outstanding contribution to architectural education.

This biennial award is open to individuals or groups teaching in a school that offers RIBA validated courses in the UK or internationally.

Nominees will have made a substantial contribution to architectural education over a number of years, be involved in the development of architectural education and be directly engaged in the processes of teaching and learning.

Winners will receive the Annie Spink trophy and £10,000. Past winners include Peter Cook, David Greene, Dean Hawkes, Andrew MacMillan, Isi Metzstein, Wolf Prix, Peter Salter, Dalibor Vesely, and Elia Zenghelis.

The deadline for nominations is September 12, 2012.

more: architecture.com (152)

Royal Institute of British Architects

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