The Market Research Society (MRS) has undergone a major re-branding programme to communicate the membership organisation's pivotal role as a dynamic global industry champion. Designed by London branding communications consultancy Purpose, the heroes of the identity are vibrant algorithms based on real data. The bespoke 'infographics' that provide the core elements of the brand's applications make cutting edge technologies an intrinsic part of the MRS identity, showing the forward thinking nature of the organisation and taking identity design as a whole beyond traditional boundaries and conventions.
MRS is the world's leading professional association of companies and individuals working in market research, established for over 65 years with members in more than 60 countries. The membership organisation's remit is to champion the value of evidence and the power of research to illuminate, inform and shape society and business. It is a world leader and the oldest association of its kind.

The new brand identity provides an engaging, interactive platform from which the MRS can drive standards, share intelligence, encourage debate, provide training and motivate through its dedicated awards scheme.
For digital platforms, a suite of algorithms has been programmed to be interactive and animated to change in response to live data feeds. Purpose has built custom applications to achieve this and they will feature in a second phase of the branding programme.

The Approach
Given the diverse interests of those in this service sector, MRS represents and communicates with a complex network of audiences and stakeholders. The first challenge was to synthesize the role that MRS, and market research in general, plays in these relationships.
'Evidence' was identified as a common and powerful element tying all parties together, with MRS acting as a 'The Conductor'. This is reflected in the strapline 'Evidence Matters'. The logo is an energetic roundel that represents MRS in a pivotal position, with evidence (data) radiating from it. Evolution of a suite of graphic devices to support this drew on the concept of charts and diagrams used to present data, which have taken on a new dimension and complexity in a global, digital world. These were developed in engaging and imaginative ways so as to become kinetic and static word-art.
"Working with the MRS marketing team, we identified that at the centre of every piece of research is a dynamic interaction and data," said Stuart Youngs, Creative Director, Purpose. "We have harnessed the very latest digital technology to embed this quality of interactivity into the brand identity. In this way, the brand attracts attention, engages its audiences and epitomises the value of research as a catalyst for meaningful change."