Unfinished Business - 25 Years of Discourse in Los Angeles

Unfinished Business: 25 Years of Discourse in Los Angeles

Throughout its 25 years of existence, the LA Forum has brought together young designers, seasoned professionals, critics, urban theorists, artists, students, and others interested in their physical environment through a diverse series of activities.

Built around material pulled from the LA Forum's 25-year old archive of newsletters, books, pamphlets, photo-series, multi-media soundbites, video projections, and other memorabilia, Unfinished Business: 25 Years of Discourse in Los Angeles revisits a rich history of commentary and debate to strike a provocative dialogue between architectural eras in Los Angeles.

In looking backward, Unfinished Business seeks to find within the LA Forum's history, the architectural questions, urban design conversation starters, and critical loose ends that are just as relevant now as they were over the past quarter century.

more: laforum.org (131)

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